Supporting Women & Families


Violence against women in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a major issue that continues to plague the nation. It is a complex issue that is deeply rooted in the culture and the socio-economic conditions of the country. Despite numerous efforts made to address this problem, the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) remains high to this day.

The root causes of this can be traced back to cultural norms that perpetuate gender inequality and male dominance. Women in PNG are often seen as inferior to men, and this mindset is maintained through traditional practices such as bride price and polygamy. Additionally, poverty and economic insecurity exacerbate the situation.

In saying this, there have been many efforts made to combat GBV within the country. The government of PNG, in collaboration with civil society organisations and development partners, have implemented various initiatives aimed at addressing the issue. It is an ongoing battle within our country and one that we are ready to fight. Although we are a small, family-owned business we want to play any role we can in supporting women within PNG.

With this in mind, we make a conscious effort to source products from women in need. Products such as handmade bilums, baskets, rugs and so on. The art of weaving within PNG is not only a form of creative expression but also an important source of income for many. For us, it is crucial that we recognise and support the importance of these talented artisans, empowering them to thrive economically and preserve their cultural traditions for future generations to come.

Through our online store, we are able to provide women in PNG a platform to share their crafts and create a sustainable income for their families to live and thrive, an income that does not solely rely on male sources. We are proud to be a part of this movement and hope that our work helps in some small way towards creating a more equal society.

Kundu Shell x